Preliminary Programme
How and when to use non-conventional drugs for treatment of Gram-negative pathogens?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
How to screen for carriage of carbapenem-resistant bacteria?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance
EUCAST: frequently asked questions
arranged with the
European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing
How to treat and manage patients with spondylodiscitis?
How and when to treat patients with infections due to Mycobacterium abscessus and other NTMs
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Mycobacterial Infections
Still culturing for gastrointestinal pathogens in your lab? What might you be missing?
arranged with the ESCMID Food- and Water-borne Infections Study Group
How to integrate molecular platforms in the laboratory?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Molecular Diagnostics
What bioinformatic tools do I use in molecular diagnostics?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Molecular Diagnostics & the
ESCMID Study Group for Epidemiological Markers
What bioinformatics tools do I use for whole-genome sequence (WGS)-based bacterial diagnostics and typing?
Preventing infection in the operating room. What do we know? Where do we go from here?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Nosocomial Infections
When to start treatment: VAT (ventilator-associated tracheo-bronchitis) or VAP (pneumonia)?
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Critically Ill Patients & the
ESCMID Study Group for Nosocomial Infections
Fungal outbreaks: hands up and do not breathe!
How do I treat aspergillosis and mucormycosis?
arranged with the ESCMID Fungal Infection Study Group
Novel low-cost ultrasound applications to improve infectious disease diagnoses in resource-poor settings
Screening and prophylaxis of migrants
arranged with the ESCMID Study Group for Infections in Travellers and Migrants
Emerging and re-emerging haemorrhagic fever - epidemiology and treatment
How to organise and implement antimicrobial therapeutic drug monitoring?
arranged with the ESCMID PK/PD of Anti-Infectives Study Group
How to adapt dosing in critically ill patients?
arranged with the ESCMID PK/PD of Anti-Infectives Study Group & the ESCMID Study Group for Critically Ill Patients
What is important in intestinal microbiota transplantation?