Integrated Symposia
Integrated Symposia slots are offered to industry as commercial/promotional sessions that are not CME accredited.
Organized by: AstraZeneca
Back to the future: revitalizing the beta-lactams for the 21st Century patient
Saturday, 25 April 13:30 ̶ 15:30 h Hall G
Organized by: The Medicines Company
The evolving treatment of Gram-positive infections: addressing real world challenges
Saturday, 25 April 13:30 ̶ 15:30 h Hall H
Organized by: Beckman Coulter
AST and MIC: central to automation and information of the microbiology lab
Saturday, 25 April 13:30 ̶ 15:30 h Hall I
Organized by: MSD
Prophylaxis or treatment of invasive fungal infections?
Saturday, 25 April 13:30 ̶ 15:30 h Hall J
Organized by: Gilead Sciences Europe Ltd
Management of invasive fungal infections in the face of an evolving epidemiology - an interactive panel discussion
Saturday, 25 April 16:30 ̶ 18:30 h Hall F
Organized by: Cubist
Skin and soft tissue infections management: novel drugs for evolving healthcare realities in Europe
Saturday, 25 April 16:30 ̶ 18:30 h Hall G
Organized by: Bruker Daltonik
New and improved workflows in microbial analysis via MALDI-TOF MS
Saturday, 25 April 16:30 ̶ 18:30 h Hall I
Organized by: Pfizer
From clinical to pharmacoeconomic considerations for optimal management of complicated infections*: are we missing the big picture?
Sunday, 26 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall F
Organized by: Abbott
Diagnosis of severe infections with PCR /ESI-MS technology: a paradigm change
Sunday, 26 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall G
Organized by: Astellas Pharma EMEA
Clostridium difficile infection- stacking the odds in patients’ favour
Sunday, 26 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall H
Organized by: Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Introducing the DxN VERIS molecular diagnostics system from Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Sunday, 26 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall I
Organized by: bioMérieux
Molecular diagnostics: today and tomorrow
Sunday, 26 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall B
Organized by: Pfizer
Pneumococcal vaccination - an update on current perspectives
Sunday, 26 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall F
Organized by: Cubist
In the era of increased resistance, is carbapenem use always the solution?
Sunday, 26 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall G
Organized by: Roche Diagnostics
The power of knowing: pursuing improved pathways to better patient solutions
Sunday, 26 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall I
Organized by: Novartis
Winning the fight against difficult-to-treat Gram-positive infections
Monday, 27 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall B
Organized by: Astellas Pharma EMEA
Reassessing antifungal therapy
Monday, 27 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall G
Organized by: Pfizer
New perspectives in the diagnosis and management of invasive fungal disease
Monday, 27 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall H
Organized by: Cepheid
Improving patient outcomes using new diagnostic strategies
Monday, 27 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall I
Organized by: Basilea
New perspectives in the management of nosocomial pneumonia
Monday, 27 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall B
Organized by: Qiagen
Clinical and diagnostic perspectives in healthcare-associated infections
Monday, 27 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall F
Organized by: Seegene
HPV genotyping: challenge for the cervical cancer screening and prevention
Monday, 27 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall G
Organized by: Hologic
Advances in molecular diagnostics to address emerging needs in clinical microbiology
Monday, 27 April 16:00 ̶ 18:00 h Hall I
Organized by: Oxford Immunotec
ELISPOT platform: measuring T-cell mediated CMV/TB immune response
Tuesday, 28 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall F
Organized by: MSD
Challenges of managing difficult-to-treat infections
Tuesday, 28 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall G
Organized by: Alere
Molecular in minutes: impact of new technology at the point-of-care
Tuesday, 28 April 09:00 ̶ 11:00 h Hall I
Organized by: Basilea
Invasive mold infections: current challenges and recent developments
Tuesday, 28 April 13:30 ̶ 15:30 h Hall I