Welcome Letter
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
It is a great pleasure and privilege to invite you to the 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, which will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark. The steady growth in importance of ECCMID has made it our mission to maintain or even increase the excellence of this congress. To achieve this goal the Programme Committee will prepare a series of keynote lectures, symposia, educational workshops and meet-the-expert sessions on parallel tracks covering the entire field of infectious diseases and clinical microbiology.
ECCMID will provide an excellent forum for delegates to attend, update their knowledge and learn about the latest innovations in the field. Specialists in the field are invited to take part in this important annual congress. Your continual support has made this 10,000 delegate congress a highlight of the calendar year.
Copenhagen's Bella Centre is a modern, state-of-the-art venue, equipped with the very latest design and technology staging conferences and congresses. With a capacity of 20,000 delegates, it is the largest congress venue in Scandinavia and located only 5 minutes from Copenhagen International Airport and 8 minutes from the city centre, which makes Bella Centre ideal for our Congress.
Bella Centre has been the centre of world attention on several occasions, hosting summits under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee, EU, the World Bank, NATO and the UN. Bella Centre also holds a strong reference list of congresses and recent references include Microsoft, SAP, MTV, International Olympic Congress, FN, Rotary and a long list of congresses within the medical and IT-industry.
We look forward to seeing you all in Copenhagen.